Wednesday, August 29, 2018

August 3-6

Another state, another pin! 

Detroit Greenfield RV park
A former KOA,,,
On a nice small lake-into which we were not allowed to put our boats
clearly no longer kept to  KOA standards, but worked fine for us as just an overnite stop on the way to the Detroit Temple

Until...somebody didn't see the quiet hours rule...and partied and sang loudly until 4 in the morning!

We didn't even unhook the trailer here

Saturday morning we drove to Detroit
We parked in the parking lot of the Bloomfield Hills Stake Center. we didn't recognize it as a building of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. apparently Governor George Romney had something to do with it's construction.


We lunched and dressed comfortably in the trailer then headed across the parking lot to the temple.

Very similar to the Palmyra Temple, but each has it's own peresonality

A lovely red headed sister came in and took the sister witness seat. I thought, ' Boy, she looks like Becky Udy Lindseth...but too young.' Gary came in. pointed to her and indicated it was in fact Becky! She and Chris are Ordinance workers there and this was their shift. It was very nice to see them! They are in the process of preparing to move to Draper UT to be near 3 of their kids.

Next we drove towards Kalamazoo.  We found a campsite at Oakshores campground in Vicksburg, MI. The campground has been here for 50 years but is under new management who are working to build it up and improve it. We got in about 6PM and were planning to head to the Wesel's for dinner, but it was a long drive and we were tired so we set up camp and stayed put

Lots of frogs were singing
 on the shores of this little lake

Really cool fungus growing on this tree stump

Sunday morning we got up and headed to Kalamazoo 2nd Ward to attend church with the Wesel family.
after church we followed them home and had a lovely visit and delicious dinner with them. 

Thanks Kevin, Jessica, Liberty, Kevin, Jarom and Basilio for a wonderful day!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

August 2

The Columbus Ohio Temple
Thank you, Jane for the family history names 
We did work for 11 ancestors here, a lovely day!

This lovely bridge was an eagle Scout project behind the Temple and Stake Center

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

August 1

Maple Walnut Granola, yum! Thanks Dan ;-)  

We left Philadelphia, with a goal of Columbus,Ohio.
We had a reservation at Alton RV Park and the office closes at 8:30 so we're drove all day,and it was 
a lo-o-ong day

 We drove thru a tunnel:

 and another..

and another..

and another!

We cutting through these mountains. Not the Rockies, but they're still Mountains!

We also drove thru rain, and sun and clouds

Over the river and thru the tunnel(s) and into
 West Virginia, just for a bit
then on to Ohio.

This park was started in the 1960s by the residents of this century old home.  Once it was out in the country, now it's on a busy road in a Columbus suburb.  It started with friends camping out in the yard. The next generation is running it now, they are a bit older than us and are in the process of preparing the next generation to take over.

When we go to the ADK, we take our Camper......

Here it is our travel trailer.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

July 31 The Philadelphia Temple

On Sunday we we attended church in the Downingtown Ward. We got some advice about attending the Temple, including the fact that the parking is in an underground garage...Hmm. That got us to thinking that maybe with the kayaks on top we would not fit. We did a little inquiring and decided it would be best to leave the boats as well as the 
J-mounts at the campground. Gary had measured it and with the boats on the truck is 9' tall. It turned out to be a good decision, the ramp has a height limit of 7'.  We had been at Valley Forge most of the day and were sort of rushing to make it to the 6:00 PM session and in Philadelphia traffic there is not much rushing.  When we pulled in, we thought we'd miss it, but happily, it was a 6:30 not 6:00 so we had plenty of time to get ready and we had a lovely time at the Temple.

Kayak Garage

Right Downtown!

Tuesday July 31 Valley Forge

The flag is at half staff in honor of a National Park Ranger killed while battling the California wildfires

The General

Replicas of huts constructed to house the Continental Army as they wintered over at Valley Forge

None of the huts remained by the time it was decided that this should be a National Park. The local farmers had regained their farmland and it took several years for the land to be made suitable for farming once again.
All the cabins are recreations

Each state regimen was responsible to house and feed their soldiers, some did a better job than others

Located 18 miles NW of Philadelphia, Washington chose this spot to winter over, reorganize and train after failing to retake Philadelphia from the British.

The National Memorial Arch

General 'Mad' Anthony Wayne
General of Pennsylvania Troops

Memorial to unknown soldiers who died at Valley Forge
No battles were fought here but close to 2,000 of the 12,000 soldiers and support personnel died of disease and mal-nutrition

Housing for Soldiers assigned as Washington's Gaurd

Washington's Headquarters, 
the Potts house

So...George Washington DID sleep here.